Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NZ Consumer Price Index (QoQ)

Location: New Zealand

Date: 20/01/2015

Time: 21:45

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0.3%

Notes: Consumer Price Index released by the Statistics New Zealand is a measure of price movements by the comparison between the retail prices of a representative shopping basket of goods and services . The purchase power of NZD is dragged down by inflation. The CPI is a key indicator to measure inflation and changes in purchasing trends. A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the NZD, while a low reading is seen as negative.


NZ Consumer Price Index (YoY)

Location: New Zealand

Date: 20/01/2015

Time: 21:45

Strength: 3/3

Previous: 1%

Notes: Consumer Price Index released by the Statistics New Zealand is a measure of price movements by the comparison between the retail prices of a representative shopping basket of goods and services . The purchase power of NZD is dragged down by inflation. The CPI is a key indicator to measure inflation and changes in purchasing trends. A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the NZD, while a low reading is seen as negative.


Monday, January 19, 2015

CN Industrial Production (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 19/01/2015

Time: 05:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 7.2%

Notes: Industrial Production is released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. It shows the volume of production of Chinese Industries such as factories and manufacturing facilities. A surge in output is regarded as inflationary which would prompt the People���s Bank of China would tighten monetary policy and fiscal policy risk. Generally speaking, if high industrial production growth comes out, this may generate a positive sentiment (or bullish) for the CNY, whereas a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish) for the CNY.


CN Retail Sales (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 19/01/2015

Time: 05:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 11.7%

Notes: The Retail Sales report released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China measures the total receipts of the retailed consumer goods. It reflects the total consumer goods that the various industries supply to the households and social groups through various channels. It is an important indicator to study the changes in the Chinese retail market and reflecting the degree of economic prosperity. In general, A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish) for the CNY.


CN NBS Press Conference

Location: China

Date: 19/01/2015

Time: 02:00

Strength: 2/3


Notes: As an agency directly under the State Council, the National Bureau of Statistics is in charge of statistics and economic accounting in China.


CN Gross Domestic Product (QoQ)

Location: China

Date: 19/01/2015

Time: 02:00

Strength: 3/3

Previous: 1.9%

Notes: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China studies the gross value of all goods and services produced by China. The indicator presents the pace at which the Chinese economy is growing or decreasing. As the Chinese economy has influence on the global economy, this economic event would have an impact on the Forex market. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative ( or Bearish).


CN Gross Domestic Product (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 19/01/2015

Time: 02:00

Strength: 3/3

Previous: 7.3%

Notes: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China studies the gross value of all goods and services produced by China. The indicator presents the pace at which the Chinese economy is growing or decreasing. As the Chinese economy has influence on the global economy, this economic event would have an impact on the Forex market. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish).


Friday, January 16, 2015

US Net Long-Term TIC Flows

Location: United States

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 21:00

Strength: 2/3


Notes: The Net Long-Term TIC Flows is released by the US Department of Treasury. TIC stands for Treasury International Capital. It shows in and out flows of financial resources in the United States. The TIC flows is one of the major events in the market, as it is seen by most participants as the Government resource for offsetting the current Trade Deficit. Generally speaking, a high reading is positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is negative (or bearish).


US Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index

Location: United States

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 14:55

Strength: 2/3


Notes: The Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index released by the Reuters/University of Michigan is a survey of personal consumer confidence in economic activity. It shows a picture of whether or not consumers are willing to spend money. Generally speaking, a high reading anticipates positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).


US Capacity Utilization

Location: United States

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 14:15

Strength: 2/3


Notes: The Capacity Utilization released by the Federal Reserve Board is the percentage of the US production capacity which is actually used over the short-time period. It is indicative of overall growth and demand in the U.S. economy. A high capacity utilization stimulates inflationary pressures. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the USD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish).


US Industrial Production (MoM)

Location: United States

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 14:15

Strength: 2/3


Notes: The Industrial Production released by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve shows the volume of production of US industries such as factories and manufacturing. Up trend is regarded as inflationary which may anticipate interest rates to rise. If High industrial production growth comes out, this may generate a positive sentiment (or bullish) for the USD.


DE Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (YoY)

Location: Germany

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 07:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0.5%

Notes: HICP is an index of consumer prices calculated and published by Destatis, the Statistical Office of the European Union, on the basis of a statistical methodology that has been harmonised across all EU member states. HICP is a measure of prices used by Governing Council of EU to define and assess price stability in the euro area as a whole in quantitative terms.


DE Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (MoM)

Location: Germany

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 07:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0%

Notes: HICP is an index of consumer prices calculated and published by Destatis, the Statistical Office of the European Union, on the basis of a statistical methodology that has been harmonised across all EU member states. HICP is a measure of prices used by Governing Council of EU to define and assess price stability in the euro area as a whole in quantitative terms.


DE Consumer Price Index (MoM)

Location: Germany

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 07:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0%

Notes: The Germany consumer price index released by the Statistiches Bundesamt Deutschland measures the average price change for all goods and services purchased by households for consumption purposes. CPI is the main indicator to measure inflation and changes i


DE Consumer Price Index (YoY)

Location: Germany

Date: 16/01/2015

Time: 07:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0.6%

Notes: The Germany consumer price index released by the Statistiches Bundesamt Deutschland measures the average price change for all goods and services purchased by households for consumption purposes. CPI is the main indicator to measure inflation and changes i