Friday, August 23, 2013

US CB Leading Indicator (MoM)

Location: United States

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 0.0% / Consensus: 0.5%

Notes: The Leading Indicators released by the Conference Board measures future trends of the overall economic activity including employment, average manufacturing workweek, initial claims, permits for new housing construction, stock prices and yield curve. It is considered as a measure for economic stability in United States. This event generates some volatility for the USD. Normally, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish).


DE Gross Domestic Product w.d.a (YoY)

Location: Germany

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 7:00 - 8:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: -0.3%

Notes: The Gross Domestic Product released by the Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced by Germany. The GDP is considered as a broad measure of the German economic activity and health. A high reading or a better than expected number has a positive effect on the EUR, while a falling trend is seen as negative (or bearish).


DE Gross Domestic Product s.a (QoQ)

Location: Germany

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 7:00 - 8:00

Strength: 3/3

Previous: 0.0% / Consensus: 0.7%

Notes: The Gross Domestic Product released by the Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced by Germany. The GDP is considered as a broad measure of the German economic activity and health. A high reading or a better than expected number has a positive effect on the EUR, while a falling trend is seen as negative (or bearish).


DE Gross Domestic Product n.s.a (YoY)

Location: Germany

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 7:00 - 8:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: -1.6%

Notes: The Gross Domestic Product released by the Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced by Germany. The GDP is considered as a broad measure of the German economic activity and health. A high reading or a better than expected number has a positive effect on the EUR, while a falling trend is seen as negative (or bearish).


CN FDI - Foreign Direct Investment (YTD)(YoY)

Location: China

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 3:00 - 4:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 4.9%

Notes: The FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) is released by the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China presents the total investment capital made by foreign enterprises, economic organizations and individuals (including overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, and Chinese enterprises registered abroad) in accordance with Chinese relevant policies, laws and regulations, with cash, goods, technology start-up wholly foreign-owned enterprises in China, and Chinese domestic companies or economic entities, foreign joint ventures, cooperative enterprises or joint development of resources for investment (including reinvestment of foreign investment income), and projects approved by the relevant governmental departments. A large foreign direct investment is indicative of overall growth and demand in the China economy. A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish) for the CNY.


US Jackson Hole Symposium

Location: United States

Date: 23/08/2013

Time: 1:00 - 2:00

Strength: 3/3


Notes: The Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium is an annual symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City since 1978, and held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, since 1981. It is a forum for central bankers, policy experts and academics to come together to focus on a topic.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

US Treasury Sec Lew Speech

Location: United States

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 20:15 - 21:15

Strength: 2/3


Notes: Jacob Lew is the US Secretary of the Treasury, and among other matters, his faculties include communicating the US President's economic policies. Therefore, his words may affect the forex market, as investors attempt to gauge the Presidential stance on key economic issues. His speech impact is proportionally related to the subject under discussion, and only those particularly relevant for the FX markets are being shown in this calendar.


US Existing Home Sales (MoM)

Location: United States

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 5.08M / Consensus: 5.10M

Notes: The Existing Home Sales, released by the National Association of Realtors, provide an estimated value of housing market conditions. As the housing market is considered as a sensitive factor to the US economy, it generates some volatility for the USD. Generally speaking, a high reading is positive for the Dollar, while a low reading is negative.


US Initial Jobless Claims

Location: United States

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 13:30 - 14:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 320K / Consensus: 322K

Notes: The Initial Jobless Claims released by the US Department of Labor is a measure of the number of people filing first-time claims for state unemployment insurance. In other words, it provides a measure of strength in the labor market. A larger than expected number indicates weakness in this market which influences the strength and direction of the US economy. Generally speaking, a decreasing number should be taken as positive or bullish for the USD.


CA Retail Sales (MoM)

Location: Canada

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 13:30 - 14:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 1.9% / Consensus: -0.3%

Notes: The Retail Sales released by the Statistics Canada is a monthly data that shows all goods sold by retailers based on a sampling of retail stores of different types and sizes. The retail sales index is often taken as an indicator of consumer confidence. It shows the performance of the retail sector in the short term. Generally speaking, the positive economic growth anticipates bullish movements for the CAD.


EMU Markit PMI Composite

Location: European Monetary Union

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 8:58 - 9:58

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 50.5 / Consensus: 50.9

Notes: The PMI monthly Composite Reports on Manufacturing and Services, released by Markit Economics, are based on surveys of over 300 business executives in private sector manufacturing companies and also 300 private sector services companies. Data is usually released on the third working day of each month. Each response is weighted according to the size of the company and its contribution to total manufacturing or services output accounted for by the sub-sector to which that company belongs. Replies from larger companies have a greater impact on the final index numbers than those from small companies. Results are presented by question asked, showing the percentage of respondents reporting an improvement, deterioration or no change since the previous month. From these percentages, an index is derived: a level of 50.0 signals no change since the previous month, above 50.0 signals an increase (or improvement), below 50.0 a decrease (or contraction).


EMU Markit Services PMI

Location: European Monetary Union

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 8:58 - 9:58

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 49.8 / Consensus: 50.2

Notes: The PMI service released by the Markit Economics is an indicator of the economic situation in the Euro Zone services sector. It captures an overview of the condition of sales and employment. It is worth noting that the European service sector does not influence, either positively or negatively, the GDP as much as the Services PMI does. Any reading above 50 signals expansion, while a reading under 50 shows contraction. Usually a result above 50 is bullish for the EUR, whereas a result below 50 is seen as bearish.


EMU Markit Manufacturing PMI

Location: European Monetary Union

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 8:58 - 9:58

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 50.3 / Consensus: 50.6

Notes: The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) released by the Markit Economics captures business conditions in the manufacturing sector. As the manufacturing sector dominates a large part of total GDP, the manufacturing PMI is an important indicator of business conditions and the overall economic condition in the Euro Zone. Usually a result above 50 signals is bullish for the EUR, whereas a result below 50 is seen as bearish.


DE Markit Services PMI

Location: Germany

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 8:28 - 9:28

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 51.3 / Consensus: 51.7

Notes: The Services PMI released by Markit Economics interviews German executives on the status of sales, employment, and their outlook. Because the performance of the German service sector is extremely consistent over time, services does not impact final GDP figures as much as the more volatile figure on the manufacturing sector. Any reading above 50 signals expansion, while a reading under 50 shows contraction.


DE Markit Manufacturing PMI

Location: Germany

Date: 22/08/2013

Time: 8:28 - 9:28

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 50.7 / Consensus: 51.1

Notes: The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) released by Markit Economics captures business conditions in the manufacturing sector. As the manufacturing sector dominates a large part of total GDP, the Manufacturing PMI is an important indicator of business conditions and the overall economic condition in Germany. Normally, a result above 50 signals is bullish for the EUR, whereas a result below 50 is seen as bearish.