Friday, August 09, 2013

CA Housing Starts s.a (YoY)

Location: Canada

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 13:15 - 14:15

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 199.6K / Consensus: 193.5K

Notes: The Housing Starts released by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation captures how many new single-family homes or buildings were constructed. It shows the strength of the Canadian housing market, which can be considered as the economy as a whole due to Housing Starts' sensitivity to changes in the business cycle. A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CAD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).


UK Goods Trade Balance

Location: United Kingdom

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 9:30 - 10:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: -�8.491B / Consensus: -�8.500B

Notes: The trade balance released by the is a balance between exports and imports of goods A positive value shows trade surplus, while a negative value shows trade deficit. It is an event that generates some volatility for the GBP. If a steady demand in exchange for UK exports is seen, that would turn into a positive growth in the trade balance, and that should be positive for the GBP.Review Alex Nekritin's Article - Trading British Pound with UK Trade Balance


UK Trade Balance; non-EU

Location: United Kingdom

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 9:30 - 10:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: -�4.093B / Consensus: -�3.800B

Notes: The trade balance released by National Statistics is a balance between exports and imports of total goods and services. A positive value shows trade surplus, while a negative value shows trade deficit. It is an event that generates some volatility for the GBP. If a steady demand in exchange for UK exports is seen, that would turn into a positive growth in the trade balance, and that should be positive for the GBP.Review Alex Nekritin's Article - Trading British Pound with UK Trade Balance


CN Urban investment (YTD) (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 6:30 - 7:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 20.1% / Consensus: 20.0%

Notes: The Urban investment released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China refers to the total amount money of the activities in construction and purchase of fixed assets, it is a comprehensive index which reflect the scale, pace, proportional relations and use orientation of the fixed assets investment. A large urban investment is an indicative of China's overall economic growth and strong domestic demand. As the Chinese economy has influence on the global economy, this economic indicator would have an impact on the Forex market. In general, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish) for the CNY.


CN Industrial Production (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 6:30 - 7:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 8.9% / Consensus: 9.0%

Notes: Industrial Production is released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. It shows the volume of production of Chinese Industries such as factories and manufacturing facilities. A surge in output is regarded as inflationary which would prompt the Peoples Bank of China would tighten monetary policy and fiscal policy risk. Generally speaking, if high industrial production growth comes out, this may generate a positive sentiment (or bullish) for the CNY, whereas a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish) for the CNY.


JP Bank of Japan Monthly Economic Survey

Location: Japan

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 6:00 - 7:00

Strength: 2/3


Notes: The BoJ Monthly Economic Survey released by the Bank of Japan presents a study of economic movements in Japan. It reviews economic developments inside and outside of Japan and indicate a sign of new fiscal policy. Any changes in this report tend to affect the JPY volatility. Normally, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the JPY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).


JP Consumer Confidence Index

Location: Japan

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 6:00 - 7:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 44.3 / Consensus: 45.0

Notes: The Consumer Confidence released by the Cabinet Office captures the level of sentiment that individuals have in economic activity. A high level of consumer confidence stimulates economic expansion while a low level drives to economic downturn. Normally, a result above 50 is positive (or bullish) for the JPY, whereas a result below 50 is seen as bearish.


CN Retail Sales (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 2:30 - 3:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 13.3% / Consensus: 13.5%

Notes: The Retail Sales report released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China measures the total receipts of the retailed consumer goods. It reflects the total consumer goods that the various industries supply to the households and social groups through various channels. It is an important indicator to study the changes in the Chinese retail market and reflecting the degree of economic prosperity. In general, A high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish) for the CNY.


CN Consumer Price Index (MoM)

Location: China

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 2:30 - 3:30

Strength: 3/3

Previous: 0%

Notes: The Consumer Price Index is released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. It is a measure of retail price variations within a representative basket of goods and services. The result is a comprehensive summary of the results extracted from the urban consumer price index and rural consumer price index. The purchase power of the CNY is dragged down by inflation. The CPI is a key indicator to measure inflation and changes in purchasing trends. A substantial consumer price index increase would indicate that inflation has become a destabilizing factor in the economy, potentially prompting The Peoples Bank of China to tighten monetary policy and fiscal policy risk. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CNY, while a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish) for the CNY.


CN Producer Price Index (YoY)

Location: China

Date: 09/08/2013

Time: 2:30 - 3:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: -2.7% / Consensus: -2.0%

Notes: The Producer Price Index released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China is a measurement of the rate of inflation experienced by producers. It captures the average changes in prices received by Chinese domestic producers of commodities in all stages of processing (crude materials, intermediate materials, and finished goods). Changes in the PPI are widely considered as an indicator of commodity inflation. If the Producer Price Index increase is excesive, it would indicate that inflation has become a destabilizing factor in the economy, The Peoples Bank of China would tighten monetary policy and fiscal policy risk. Generally speaking, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CNY, whereas a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish) for the CNY.


Thursday, August 08, 2013

JP Tertiary Industry Index (MoM)

Location: Japan

Date: 08/08/2013

Time: 0:50 - 1:50

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 1.2% / Consensus: -0.4%

Notes: Tertiary Industry Index released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry indicates the domestic service sector in japan such as information and communication, electricity, gas heat and water,services, transport, wholesale and retail trade, finance and insurance ,and welfare. As the Japanese economy relies upon its exports, this event is expected to generate low volatility for the JPY. Generally, a high reading is positive (or bullish) for the JPY, while a low reading is negative (or bearish).


NZ Electronic Card Retail Sales (MoM)

Location: New Zealand

Date: 08/08/2013

Time: 23:45 - 0:45

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 1.1% / Consensus: 0.4%

Notes: Electronic Card Retail Sales as reported by Statistics New Zealand, measures purchases made in New Zealand on debit, credit and store cards. The figure gives hint of strength in the retail sector and influences interest rate decisions. A high number is generally positive (bullish) for the New Zealand dollar, while a weak number is seen as negative (bearish)


US 10-Year Note Auction

Location: United States

Date: 08/08/2013

Time: 18:00 - 19:00

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 2.67%

Notes: Displayed in the calendar is the average yield on the notes auctioned by US Department of Treasury. US notes have maturities of 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years and pay interest every six months. The yield on the bonds represents the return an investor will receive by holding the bond until maturity. Investors monitor the yield volatility and compare the average rate at auction to the rate at previous auctions of the same security as an indicator of the government debt situation.


US Initial Jobless Claims

Location: United States

Date: 08/08/2013

Time: 13:30 - 14:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 326K / Consensus: 336K

Notes: The Initial Jobless Claims released by the US Department of Labor is a measure of the number of people filing first-time claims for state unemployment insurance. In other words, it provides a measure of strength in the labor market. A larger than expected number indicates weakness in this market which influences the strength and direction of the US economy. Generally speaking, a decreasing number should be taken as positive or bullish for the USD.


CA New Housing Price Index (YoY)

Location: Canada

Date: 08/08/2013

Time: 13:30 - 14:30

Strength: 2/3

Previous: 1.8%

Notes: The New Housing Price Index (NHPI) released by the Statistics Canada is a monthly series that measures changes over time in the contractors' selling prices of new residential houses, where detailed specifications pertaining to each house remain the same between two consecutive periods. The growth rate of the housing market affects the CAD volatility. A high reading is seen as positive (or Bullish) for the CAD, whereas a low reading is seen as negative (or Bearish).